Last week my classmates and I went to a place in northern Minnesota called
Wolf Ridge! It was an awesome time where we got to rock climb, go on a ropes course, hike all the time, check out Lake Superior, use a compass, learn all about beavers, and many other super fun things. One thing that I really enjoyed was that you weren't sitting around very much at all. Three out of the four mornings there was a morning hike at 5:15-5:30, so you could start out your day nice and early with a hike to see the sunrise over Lake Superior. It was such a cool sight to see. Then you had your first activity from 8:30-11:30. Those were things like rock climbing and learning the stream. Then you get a little bit of time for lunch, and about 30-45 minutes of free time. Which one of the days we took a polar plunge. It was super cold because the water was about 43 degrees, but it was well worth it for the memories. Then you would have another 3 hour activity at night! And a hour and a half activity later! One night we went to a wolf talk that one of the staff members there put on. It was really cool to listen to. Above is everyone who went on the polar plunge!!