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Friday, May 25, 2012

My time at SMS!

'Covent of Saint Esteban รข€“ Convento de+San+Esteban,+Salamanca+(Spain),+HDR
My time at St Mary's has been really fun. It was filled with many fun activities like ELC, Track and field, and Spirit groups. I am looking forward to moving on, but also very grateful for the opportunity to have a catholic education. I will miss SMS a lot. It was like a family, you knew everyone for 8+ years. You'd know everything about them. All in all I had fun and enjoyed it. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


: 'Britain Going Blog Crazy - Metro Article'
I nominate this blog for the student blogging challenge. It is a great blog that has a lot of information. It keeps me wondering what will be on it next. It has my favorite team as a back round so I think it's cool. It has many blogs that are fun to read.
 'What America Needs is a Few Less+Heroes

'And I'm Bringin' You A Love That's+True

 'tree of light

 'tree of light

Monday, May 21, 2012

How to spend money

 by jollyUK
Today in class we learned a lot of very useful information. In fact information that we will use for the rest of our lives. Whether it's buying a car, house, or paying for information. We learned that it's very important that we know how much money we have and don't spend what you don't have. Over spending can impact the rest of your life. It can give you debt for a long time. When you get a loan you need to make sure you can pay it off when you need to. One thing you want to make sure is that you can pay off the loan in the time allowed. You don't always need to pick the shortest one, pick one that you can pay off. You always want to pay off your full credit card debt each month, not just the minimum. Otherwise you can end up with some serious debt.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Dream Job!

by Atsuke

When I leave school my dream job would definitely be an athletic trainer, coach, or physical therapist. I want to do something active, not just sitting and working 8 hours a day. Work can be very enjoyable if you’re doing something that you like and you’re good at. If you get stuck with  job you don’t like at all, then it wouldn’t be enjoyable. Yes, you have to get paid for work. Otherwise you wouldn’t really be able to survive in the world in this day and age. I know you can volunteer multiple hours but you still need some sort of income. School work you are kind of forced to do, and you don’t get paid. Work outside of school no one is going to come and tell you that you need to get things done. You need to take initiative otherwise you will not have money.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

My ELC Trip!

Last week my classmates and I went to a place in northern Minnesota called Wolf Ridge! It was an awesome time where we got to rock climb, go on a ropes course, hike all the time, check out Lake Superior, use a compass, learn all about beavers, and many other super fun things. One thing that I really enjoyed was that you weren't sitting around very much at all. Three out of the four mornings there was a morning hike at 5:15-5:30, so you could start out your day nice and early with a hike to see the sunrise over Lake Superior. It was such a cool sight to see. Then you had your first activity from 8:30-11:30. Those were things like rock climbing and learning the stream. Then you get a little bit of time for lunch, and about 30-45 minutes of free time. Which one of the days we took a polar plunge. It was super cold because the water was about 43 degrees, but it was well worth it for the memories. Then you would have another 3 hour activity at night! And a hour and a half activity later! One night we went to a wolf talk that one of the staff members there put on. It was really cool to listen to. Above is everyone who went on the polar plunge!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Copyright from creative commons!

Images by Zanastardust
I learned a few things from a video I watched about copyrighting, and to make sure you are legally. So I thought I should share some of those things with you. One thing is that if you want to use something from someone you need their permission. Or there are some sites set up where people post their pictures saying you can take these and use them if you give me attribution. All you need to do is make sure you know that it's okay to take that certain picture, video, etc. One big thing for this is Google images, if you want to take a picture from Google images you need to make sure it's okay! Whether that's E-mailing or anything to get permission.